Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

During the week of Earth Day, we saved our milk cartons so we could "recycle" them as flower pots. We decorated them and planted a flower in them for our moms. We had lots of fun doing this project! We hope our moms enjoy their gift.


  1. I save the milck kortent at school on Thursday. IT was fun. I put the flawer in the milck kortent. I adid soyo. The flawer needs sowyole. I licke to hav a flawer. MIS. Lickfeld gave me the flawer. It was the culur pink.

  2. I save the milck kortent. I Put the soy. Then Mrs. LicKfeld help me put the flawer on the milcK kortent. I chos The colr picK. It was so pitty. We put Watr on The flawer. Then we got our hand drtee. Then we wash our hand With sop. My flawer got ded one is bato grw and it is open The flawer. I hoppe to do it agin. I was so happy to macK a flawer.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. On Thursday we planted a flawer.
    First we git a enthy millk box .I got a chokllit enthy millk box.Then we got 4 little colers peper.I got pink purple yellow and green.Next we glood the 4 little coler peper.It was rilly steecky.We whented a lot
    of days.Finully we git one flawer.
    Put the flawer on the millk box celfy or the flawer will breck.We had so much fun,I hope my mom like it.

  5. I platit a flowr.I put soyi araun
    the flowr.I put the flowr in the cup.I put more soyl on the flowr.I was to wayt for the teechr put wadr on the flowr.I take the flowr to home.My mom was so happy pycus I give her the flowr. Happy mothers day.

  6. I Plat a flawr on Tuesday . I was so happy to make a flawr for Mother day. Then we tuck the flawr home. Then my mom was so happy that I made her a flawr. It was the clor pink. It brock. I was so sad that I brock the flawr my mom and me fix it with glwo sick. Then we cefro put the flawr on the stem. Happy Mothers day.

  7. I plat a flawr for mothers day. Fist I asck mrs.lickfeld to give me a flawr.She gab me a pink fiawr.I put sum sold. I fild my cup.I wish it was log.

  8. In school we plantend a flower. I had a red prity one. My mom likdit it so so much she likd it so much that she said think you!! I was happy!!!!

  9. I have a box.Frst I take the box aowt side. Next I put the soL. Then I put flowr. Last I put water in it. I Like to make a flowr.It is fun.
